
Over the past years Chubb Bulleid has acted for many farmers and other land owners in the granting of Options and Leases for land used for the generation of solar power and in connection with other renewables.  We have Clients in many parts of the country who have sought our advice in this difficult area.  The advantages can be great but there are also pitfalls relating to such things as:

  • The nature of the Lease that is granted
  • How you can be sure of a reasonable yield
  • The cleaning up of the land after a Lease has ended
  • Whether the land can be farmed during the life of the solar development
  • Tax efficiency – a piece of land can suddenly become of much greater capital value and can produce far more income

The variety of energy providers we have come across means we are in a position to compare the deals they have offered and advise carefully on their detail and the options that the Leases present.

More recently we have acted for landowners granting Options and Leases for batteries that store energy for busy times on the National Grid.

To speak to one of our experts please call us on 01749 836100 or Ask us a question


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