As people get older they begin to worry about how they will be able to manage their affairs when it becomes difficult for them to get around or if they are becoming forgetful or confused. Increasingly banks, insurance companies and even service providers are refusing to talk to family members unless they have a Power of Attorney. This is also true of the health service sector – doctors, nurses, social services and care team providers are more and more insisting that family members require a Health & Welfare Power of Attorney.
A Lasting Power of Attorney allows you to plan in advance and appoint someone you trust to act on your behalf should this prove necessary, whilst at the same time giving you long term protection. It gives others the authority to make decisions for you when you no longer wish to do so or if you lack mental capacity. This could be due to injury, a physical disorder or a condition which affects the working of your mind.
You can choose to give your Attorney the power to deal with your property and financial affairs. This means the ability to operate your bank account, pay your bills, collect pensions and spend money on your behalf including buying and selling property. You can also give the same or different people the power to make welfare decisions for you under a Health & Welfare Power. This enables them to speak to doctors, nurses, social services and care team providers about the medical treatment you receive, where you live and other associated matters. You can also choose whether or not to allow them to make life sustaining decisions on your behalf.
Our team is sympathetic and understanding but also extremely experienced and can give practical advice at what can be a very difficult time for you and your family
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